

订货量(件) ≥100
价格(元/件) 面议
供货总量: 1000件
产 地: 广东省/深圳市
发货期: 自买家付款之日起45天内发货
数 量:

SHALLCO继电器,旋转开关,转换开关全系列销售 larger image • 30A/ 600 VAC continuous • 2 position, stops factory set for "Trip" and "Reset" • 1 to 10 sections standard (for other options contact factory) • Up to 20 sets of N.O. and20 set of N.C. Contacts • Contacts: Break-Before-Make • Action: 45 Degre Positive Detent • Stationary Contact: Silver over Copper • Nameplates, terminal screws, and mounting screws supplied with switch. SHALLCO 62-CB-8 Shallco 7601A Shallco 7601C Shallco 7601K Shallco 7602B Shallco 7602H Shallco 7603E Shallco 7604A Shallco 7604F Shallco 7605D Shallco 7606B Shallco 7607C Shallco 7608D Shallco 7609G Shallco 7610K Series 16 Rotary Switch, 10 Ampere, Single-Hole Mount SHALLCO 16A1-B-1 SHALLCO 16A1-B-2 SHALLCO 16A1-M-1 SHALLCO 16A1-M-3 SHALLCO 16B1-B-4 SHALLCO 16B1-B-5 SHALLCO 16B1-B-7 SHALLCO 16B1-M-2 SHALLCO 16B1-M-8 SHALLCO 16C1-B-7 SHALLCO 16C1-B-8 SHALLCO 16C1-B-9 SHALLCO 16C1-B-10 SHALLCO 26101B SHALLCO 26102C SHALLCO 26103D SHALLCO 26104B SHALLCO 26105C SHALLCO 26106D SHALLCO 26109D SHALLCO 2610B SHALLCO 26201C SHALLCO 26203D SHALLCO 26702D SHALLCO 261001C SHALLCO 76101D SHALLCO 76202D SHALLCO 76705B SHALLCO 62-CB-8 SHALLCO SHALLCO


所在地区: 广东省 深圳市
经营模式: 贸易批发
会员等级: 身份认证


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