认证 | HACCP认证和ISO9001-2000 | 种类 | 羊益生菌 |
成分 | 有益菌 | 型号 | 羊调节肠道益生菌 |
规格 | 20公斤一件 | 商标 | 傻吃肥保 |
包装 | 袋装 | 产品负责人 | 付秀晶 |
产量 | 578件 |
defend himself, as they knew not a word of German, and could not make themselves understood. Mrs. de Villers, who speaks German fluently, explained that the spot where the shooting was alleged to have taken place was not part of Cherath at all.
"So this brave lady succeeded in getting the sentence of death withdrawn. But the Germans wanted to torture their wretched
refuses to return to The Netherlands, as she is still able to be of service to the people here.
"In Cherath she saved the life of a good many. As it was alleged that there had been shooting, the priest, the chaplain, a retired priest, eighty years old, the mayor, and several leading citizens were condemned to be shot. None, not even the priest, was able to