认证 | HACCP认证和ISO9001-2000 | 种类 | 羊益生菌 |
成分 | 有益菌 | 型号 | 羊用益生菌 |
规格 | 20公斤一件 | 商标 | 傻吃肥保 |
包装 | 袋装 | 产品负责人 | 付秀晶 |
产量 | 366890件 |
"That way? But how did you get here then?"
"You see, sir, the bridge across the Meuse has been destroyed, and in order to get back I had to walk first towards ... towards ... Liège ... and ... and ... and then they ferried me over somewhere down there, and told me that I had to go along the canal to get to
permitted to go from Lixhe to Visé.
"Is this then the road to Visé?"
"No, sir, I am returning from there."
"Where then is Visé?"
"That way, sir!"