认证 | HACCP认证和ISO9001-2000 | 种类 | 中药 |
成分 | 中草药 | 型号 | 蛋鸡饲料添加剂 |
规格 | 20公斤一件 | 商标 | 壳红素 |
包装 | 袋装 | 产品负责人 | 付秀晶 |
产量 | 555052件 |
"You surprise me," said the Laird, "for I had come to regard the Established Church of England as dead in formalism. I have not found so great faith before—no, not in the Church of England."
"Then you had better become a little more intimately acquainted with it," good-naturedly rejoined the young rector, and the conversation turned into other topics.
"We recognize the Christ as the head of the Church," said the Laird.
"And so do we," said the rector, "and if I had the naming of ten thousand churches, sir, I would call each one 'Christ church,' and I would have a cross on each somewhere to remind the people of the fact that He left the heaven of glory to suffer and die for them, that He might bring them into the fulness of joy which He originally designed for them."
from the depths of degradation and placed her in a realm of love and hope. It was the Christ who gave the weary toiler rest.
"Have we not cause to bless God for 'His inestimable love in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ?'
"That is Presbyterianism," said Mrs. MacKay.
"And that is Episcopalianism," replied the rector.