是否有现货 | 是 | 认证 | H9002 |
种类 | 奶牛益生菌 | 成分 | 有益活菌 |
作用 | 提高产奶量,治疗产奶量低 | 型号 | 饲料添加剂 |
规格 | 20公斤一件 | 商标 | 健美反刍 |
包装 | 袋装 | 厂家负责人 | 付秀晶 |
产量 | 55940件 |
"I'm going to keep on going to church," Peter told her. "I like it. Sermons are more int'resting than I thought, and I like the singing. I wish I could make up my mind whether to be a Presbyterian or a Methodist. I s'pose I might ask the ministers about it."
"Oh, no, no, don't do that," said Felicity in alarm. "Ministers wouldn't want to be bothered with such questions."
Why not? What are ministers for if they ain't to tell people how to get to heaven?"
"Oh, well, it's all right for grown-ups to ask them things, of course. But it isn't respectful for little boys—especially hired boys."
"I don't see why. But anyhow, I s'pose it wouldn't be much use, because if he was a Presbyterian minister he'd say I ought to be a