EMP2-X402 pcie转485 422基本介绍
串口转接板 msata转485 转接卡
EMP2-X402 pcie转485 422
- PCIe 2.0 compliant. RS-422/485 mode configurable by switch. Supports 485HD (Half Duplex) and 485FD (Full Duplex)
- 4800 to 3Mbps serial data rate. 16C550 compatible. 256-byte FIFOs
- Industrial temperature(-40 ºC to 85 ºC) operation
- Flexible design with DB-9 connectors and cable
- Termination Resistor by jumper setting
- ESD up to 15KV(Electrostatic Discharge) protection circuit to prevent system damage.
- 30μ" golden finger, 3-year warranty
- Industrial design, manufactured in innodisk Taiwan
Module NameEMP2-X402Module TypemPCIe to 4 x 422/485 ModuleFunctionSerialbbbb FactormPCIebbbbb I/FPCI Express 2.0 x 1Output I/FRS-422/485Output connectorDB-9 x 4Power Consumption0.33W (3.3V x 100mA)Dimensions (W x L x H/mm)30 x 50.9 x 8.25TemperatureOperation: STD temp: 0°~70°C
Storage: -55°C ~ +95°CEnvironmentVibration: 5G @7~2000Hz
Shock: 50G @ 0.5msNotesPlease download driver from MyInnodisk website.
WINOOWs: XP(32 bit), 7(32/64 bit), 8/8.1(32/64 bit), 10,
WES7, CE7.0
Linux: Kernel 2.6.x and above. (We can provide Linux source
for modification.)
P/NDeSCRJPTionEMP2-X402-W1 (Wide Temp.)mPCIe to 4 x 422/485 Module

EMP2-X402 pcie转485 422实拍图
EMP2-X402 pcie转485 422特写图
EMP2-X402 pcie转485 422颜色系列图
EMP2-X402 pcie转485 422尺寸参考图
EMP2-X402 pcie转485 422定制说明
EMP2-X402 pcie转485 422采购须知