我们一系列的磁盘阵列卡,是建构在硬件架构的RAID方法。透过磁盘等量化(Data Stripping) 或是镜像模式(Mirroring),可达到 设备管理,确保嵌入式系统的数据完整性。
- Supports SATA to dual SATA III Port Multiplier
- Supports H/W RAID 0/1 over SATA
- Pin header for LED connection
- 3 years warranty
- Industrial design, manufacture in Innodisk Taiwan
Module NameE2SS-32R1Module Type2.5” to Dual SATA III RAID Modulebbbb Factor2.5" SSDbbbbb I/FSATA IIIOutput I/FSATA IIIOutput connectormSATA x 2, Pin Header 9Pin x 1Power Consumption2.45W (5V x 498mA)Dimensions (W x L x H/mm)69.85 x 100 x 9.5TemperatureOperation: STD temp: 0°~70°C
Storage: -55°C ~ +95°CEnvironmentVibration: 5G @7~2000Hz
Shock: 50G @ 0.5msNotes1. RAID Mode Setting:
RAID0: 2:2, RAID1: 1:2, PM: 1:1
2. Press tact switch SW1 for reset.
P/NDeSCRJPTionE2SS-32R1-C1Standard Temp.