NAYZC Series Transformer With Load Switch Tester 南澳电气NAYZC全自动变压器有载开关测试仪产品简介南澳电气NAYZC全自动变压器有载开关测试仪是用于测量和分析电力系统中电力变压器及特种变压器有载分接开关电气性能指标的综合测量仪器。
NAYZ Series Transformer With Load Switch Tester NAYZ全自动变压器有载开关测试仪
变压器有载开关测试仪 具有对所测数据进行分析、存贮、打印等功能。解决了目前电力变压器有载分接开关测量方法落后,没有专用测试手段的问题。可在电力设备预防性试验及变压器大修中及时诊断出有载分接开关的潜在故障,对提高电力系统运行的可靠性具有重要意义。
仪器分三通道可同时记录A、B、C三相,仪器可自动捕捉和显示过渡过程中过渡电阻及时间跳变的过程。不受天气影响,功能远比光线示波器 。
全铝合金机箱和仪器内配有电源噪音滤波器及抗干扰电路,可在电源质量较差, 且有强电磁场干扰的现场进行可靠测量。
Product introduction
NAYZ series transformer load switch tester is integrated testing device, used for measuring and analyzing the power transformers and special transformers with load switch electrical performance in the power system. It adopts microcomputer control, through the precision designed measuring circuit, that can realize on-load switch transition time, transition waveform , transition resistance , three-phase simultaneous and other parameters measured accurately. Users may need and site conditions , leads directly from the tap to measure , but also by the three-phase transformer casing and wiring direct measurement of the neutral point . Based on user need and on-site condition, can measure directly via a tap switch lead, and also can measure though transformer three-phase drive pipe and neutral point directly.
Transformer load switch tester, the measured data can be analyzed, stored and printed. Solve the problems of current power transformer on-load tap backward measuring methods, and no dedicated testing methods. In the process of electrical equipment preventive testing and transformers overhauling, it can diagnose the loaded tap switch potential trouble timely, it’s important to improve power system reliability.
Also called name
On-load tap tester, transformer load switch tester, transformer load tap tester
The Characteristics of the products
NAYZ Transformer Load Switch Tester
Products Characteristics
1.Light oscilloscope function
Instrument is divided into three channels,which can be recorded simultaneously A, B, C phase ,the instrument can automatically capture and display the process of transition process transition resistance and time transition.Weather-proof,the functions is superior than light oscilloscope.
2.Strong integrate ability
Can realize on -load tap- measurement of various parameters just by a single instrument. Such as switch selection,switch whole process without opening the break point,transition waveform, transition time,transition resistance,three-phase simultaneous and so on. Match with the function keys,you can analyze the waveform of each time period and resistance.
NAYZ transformer load tap tester is equipped with a front plate counter for high-speed printer paper.
4.With good anti-jamming performance.
All-aluminum chassis and instrument are equipped with power supply noise filter and anti-jamming circuit,can be tested in the weak power,strong electromagnetic interference field.
5.Data saved, data communicated.
The measured data and waveform can be stored in the instrument.The stored wave forms can up to 128 groups,will not be lost due to power off,on-site testing results can be stored via a dedicated data line to the computer by serial transmission of preservation.( Nanao Electric Wuhan Company send special software )