型号 | kvaser Memorator | 规格 | 大存储空间 |
商标 | kvaser | 包装 | 全新未拆封 |
尺寸 | 22.5 x 100 x 115 mm | 产量 | 20件 |
Kvaser Memorator的详细描述:
Kvaser Memorator kvaser公司can记录仪
超大存储空间,超长存储时间, 稳定,支持触发条件,瑞典kvaser品牌,大公司
Kvaser Memorator Professional is a two channel, high performance, CAN bus interface and standalone Datalogger. Standalone mode logs data to an expandable SD card slot; interface mode connects to the PC with USB2.0. With the combined functionality of a standalone Datalogger and USB Interface, the Memorator Professional contains an advanced set of features: Message Filtering, Triggers, Error Detection Mode, Battery Backup, an expandable SD Card slot, Linx J1587 compatible, Auto Transmit, Galvanic Isolation, and much more. Configurable using Kvaser's included Memorator Tools software.
As a data logger, the Kvaser Memorator Professional is the perfect tool to capture irregular faults in the field or perform remote diagnosis. A great advantage is that all configurations are made with a user-friendly configuration program and are stored on the flash disk. It makes it both easy and convenient to set configurations with the PC and download it to Kvaser Memorator Professional for use in the field. The Kvaser Memorator Professional has a USB connection and can be used as a powerful USB CAN bus interface (like our Kvaser USBcan Professional).
Functions in Kvaser Memorator Professional
Kvaser Memorator can log continuously, or logging can be triggered by creating advanced triggers based on messages, data signal values, error messages, external trigger's falling or rising edge, and I/O signals.
Pre- and post-triggers are available without buffer size restrictions, limited by disk space only.
Handles up to 20 000 msgs/s in standalone logger mode.
Transmit messages to the bus network.
External digital output that can drive a LED or a buzzer.
< 250 ms boot up time.
Supports Silent Mode - log bus traffic safely without interfering and "listen-only" mode for bus analysis tools.