a, 立柱采用 带钢经开平、自动轧机轧制、冲床冲孔、再根据客户指定高度切断而成;
b, 中型货架层板采用 冷板、经开平、纵剪、折弯成型、焊接加强筋制作而成;
c, 中型货架立柱及层板加工成半成品后,就可进行最后一道工序喷塑。完成后就可包装发货;
d, 中型货架是取代原先企业用角钢焊接,上铺木板简易货架的理想替代品。产品具有成本低、 、组装、拆卸简单、可单独使用;
f, 广泛应用于工厂仓库,办公室,车间,企事业单位,个体户储物间,超市等领域!
a column using the the quality strip after Kaiping, automatic rolling mill, punch punching again to specify the height of cut is made according to the customer;
b, medium sized shelf laminates using quality cold plate, Kaiping, slitting, bending forming, welding ribs made??;
c, medium shelf uprights and laminates processed into semi-finished, can be the final step spray. The finished packaging can be shipped;
d, medium shelf with angle iron welded capped with simple wood shelves ideal alternatives to replace the original enterprise. The product has a low cost, safe, reliable, simple assembly, disassembly, and can be used alone;
e, at the same time we can be designed according to the customer's actual storage space, manufacturing shelves;
f, widely used in factories, warehouses, offices, workshops, enterprises, self-employed storage, supermarkets and other fields!