窄港道式货架的通道仅比托盘稍宽,继承了选取式货架对托盘存储布局无严格要求的特点,能充分利用仓库面积和高度,具有中等存储密度。但是窄港道式货架需用特殊的叉车或起重机进行存取作业,同时还需要其他搬运机械配套,周转时间相比传统的货架较长。由于货架不仅有储存托盘的功能,还需有支撑和加固搬运设备的功能,因此对结构强度和公差配合要求 严格,必须综合考虑, 设计、安装。窄港道式货架也可以同时集成货物暂存平台,大幅度提高存储效率。
The narrow Harbour Road shelves
Make full use of the warehouse area and height, with a medium storage density, and can be integrated cargo temporary platform, significantly improve storage efficiency.
Narrow Kong Road shelves channel is only slightly wider than the tray, inherited characteristics of select shelves the tray the storage layout without strict requirements, can take full advantage of the warehouse area and height, with a medium storage density. Narrow Port Road shelves need a special forklift or crane access to jobs, but also require additional handling machinery and equipment for the turnaround time compared to traditional long shelves. Shelf storage tray not only need to support and reinforce the functions of the handling equipment, structural strength and tolerance with the extremely strict requirements must be integrated into the precise design, installation. Narrow Port Road shelves can also be integrated cargo temporary platform to significantly improve storage efficiency.