是否有现货 | 是 | 应用 | 电缆 |
种类 | 端子(terminal) | 材料 | 铁 |
用途 | 传递电信号 | 品牌 | ASTRO |
型号 | 616336 | 加工定制 | 是 |
订货号 | 616336+642021 | 材质 | 工具钢 |
特性 | 普通 | 全长 | x6 |
压接能力 | 1.5~0.08 | 是否进口 | 是 |
样式 | 美式 | 原产国/地区 | 美国 |
产量 | 369把 |
一款棘轮式压线钳,符合美 标 MIL-DTL-22520/7-01
可替代DMC MH860
MH860G is qualified to MIL-DTL-22520/7. This tool is an 8-Step Selectable with varying applications within the wire barrel sizes 16-22 and wire sizes 16-28 AWG.
It produces an 8 indent crimp configuration, which provides excellent results on MS and proprietary contacts and wire of various compositions.
The tool is designed to be used with a positioner that features easy attachment with a bayonet socket mount. A data plate is permanently attached to each positioner. This data plate provides the correct selector setting to be used for each contact and wire combinations. This helps to eliminate error in choosing the proper crimp depth.
We recommend that all of its tools be gaged periodically to assure accurate calibration.
The tool is 71⁄4 inches long and weighs approximately 11 ounces. It’s same with MH860 DMC / 616336