II series are made from Sub-micron fiber meltblown (diameter <1um),featured with higher air permeability, bigger liquid flux, higher fitrationaccuracy, that can offer longer term filtration life and also moreenergy-saving .
Technical specification for liquid filter material.
Made from PP and without any additives
High filtration efficiency ,big through-put,powerful capacity of dirt holding.
耐酸碱 耐腐蚀 害 使用寿命长
Good resistance to acid and alkali ,non-poison andlong service life
2.质量控制 qualitycontrol
主要技术指标微孔孔径是使用TOPAS公司孔径检测仪对半成品监控和成品的检测,并自动打印出孔径分布曲线,以保证产品在生产过程中对微孔尺寸的控制,确保产品的稳定性,一致性。其他技术指标如厚度,透气量等都进行严格的检测监控,使其各项指标可以在不同的要求范围内进行 的控制,以满足各方面用户的不同需求。
The diameter of micropore, the most importanttechnical indicator of the product, is tested by TOPAS Parameter test apparatuswhich can automatically print out the graph of "differential pore numberdistribution ", other technical indicatorssuch as thickness ,, all the parameters can be controlled accurately in different value rangeto meet the unique requirements of our customers .