
E1FW系列CMP铠装防爆格兰(CMP cable gland)

订货量(只) >=1
价格(元/只) 面议
供货总量: 500只
产 地: 上海市
发货期: 自买家付款之日起3天内发货
数 量:

EPIN英国原装进口E1FW系列CMP铠装防爆格兰(CMP cable gland)




E1FW Series of explosion-protected CMP cable gland


Suitable for clamping and fastening various kinds of armored cables;
Exd、Exe requirement: It should be used on enclosure with IP68 degree of protection.

CMP Order Reference OD Min. OD Max. ID Min. ID Max. Male Thread M制订货号 PVC护套 上海颐品
E1FW 20S/16  6.1 13.2 3.1 8.6 M20  20S16E1FW1RA  PVC04 EPIN
E1FW 20S  9.5 15.9 6.1 11.6 M20  20S E1FW1RA PVC04 EPIN
E1FW 20  12.5 20.9 6.5 13.9 M20 20E1FW1RA PVC06 EPIN
E1FW 25S  14.0 22.0 11.1 19.9 M25 25E1FW1RA PVC09 EPIN
E1FW 25 18.2 26.2 11.1 19.9 M32 32E1FW1RA PVC09 EPIN
E1FW 32  23.7 33.9 17.0 26.2 M32 32E1FW1RA PVC11 EPIN
E1FW 40  27.9 40.4 22.0 32.1 M40 40E1FW1RA PVC15 EPIN
E1FW 50S  35.2 46.7 29.5 38.1 M50  50SE1FW1RA  PVC18 EPIN
E1FW 50  40.4 53.1 35.6 44.1 M50 50E1FW1RA PVC21 EPIN
E1FW 63S  45.6 59.4 40.1 49.9 M63  63SE1FW1RA  PVC23 EPIN
E1FW 63  54.6 65.9 47.2 55.9 M63 63E1FW1RA PVC25 EPIN
E1FW 75S  59.0 72.1 52.8 61.9 M75  75SE1FW1RA  PVC28 EPIN
E1FW 75  66.7 78.5 59.1 67.9 M75 75E1FW1RA PVC30 EPIN
E1FW 90 76.2 90.4 66.6 79.9 M90 90E1FW1RA PVC32 EPIN
E1FW 100 86.1 101.5 76.0 90.0 M100 100E1FW1RA PVC33 EPIN
E1FW 115 101.5 110.3 86.0 97.9 M115 115E1FW1RA PVC34 EPIN
E1FW 130 114.2 123.3 97.0 114.9 M130 130E1FW1RA PVC35 EPIN


所在地区: 上海市
经营模式: 贸易批发
会员等级: 身份认证


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