加工定制 | 是 | 是否有现货 | 是 |
品牌 | 济南百脉海源 | 产品类型 | 全新 |
动力来源 | 其它 | 类型 | 膨化机 |
适用对象 | 配合饲料 | 加工能力 | 1-1.5t |
售后服务 | 保修一年 | 电源电压 | 380V |
外型尺寸 | 5000×1150×3800 | 重量 | 1.5-6t |
型号 | Phj | 规格 | Phj |
商标 | 百脉海源 | 包装 | 一级 |
饲料类型 | ,豆粕,谷物,秸秆,青饲料,肉骨粉,乳清粉,油脂,鱼粉,杂粕 | 主机功率 | 22-200kw |
用途 | 加工 | 产物 | 饲料 |
适用动物类型 | 水产类,家禽类,家畜类,宠物类,观赏鱼类 |
水产饲料膨化机 水产饲料加工设备厂 观赏鱼颗料设备
水产饲料膨化机 水产饲料加工设备厂 观赏鱼颗料设备
双螺杆主机特点/Characteristics of Double-screw Extruder
1. Feeding, main driving device, and rotary cutting device adopt inverter to adjust the speed with more powerful drive, stable running, and low consumption.
2. Screw is made of alloy steel with long life. Segmental assembled screws are applied to more kinds of materials and products.
3. Automatic lubrication system can lower down power consumption and prolong the life.
4. Double-screw feed equal materials forcibly.
5. Beeline bearing knife device adjusts the knives safely, exactly, and swiftly.
6. Double-screw extruder can clean itself automatically.