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豪业服饰是一家实业有限责任公司,集研发、生产、销售、服务于一体,多年来服务于服装、鞋帽、箱包、体育用品、织带、女性内衣行业,为其提供 商标、吊卡、烫画、涂层及相关辅料。 随着时代的进步,行业的发展,传统的热转印商标、烫画的材料已无法满足人类对环保的要求,这将是行业发展的瓶颈。豪业尚科学,以多年行业经验,严谨的态度不懈专研, 在服装辅料行业运用有机硅这一天然的环保材料,并在过去的两年里成功掌握了有机硅材料在纺织品、及多种纤维织物上的粘接技术,从而结束了有机硅商标在服装、箱包、鞋材上无法热转印、烫画的历史,必将为行业增光添彩。同时为地球 美丽,人类 健康供献豪业力量.- 0769-33359871 东莞市长安镇上沙中山北路36号302 HaoYe,an industry and commerce limited company,which is focus on manufacturing,R&D,service sales. We professin=onally produced qualified &complete set of trademarks,cards,stamping,coatings and others supplementary materials for clothing,ca ags,shoes,athletic producs etc for years in this industry. As time flies,such traditional packaging method becoming more and more old-fashioned,however,we persistently focused on material and technolong innovation and HaoYe successfully mastered the key of oranic silicon use in this area. This organic silicon pasting/sticking technology is not only gree,but greatly improved the traditinal production and quality of clothing,ca ags,shoes,athletic products technology and innovatin decides the fate of product,quality and effciency. It is believed HaoYe Will greatly work together and help its strategic business partners to compete and win the market share. |