型号 | Zk-60ls | 加工定制 | 是 |
下料方式 | 振动盘下料 | 适用对象 | 螺丝 |
包装材料 | 薄膜 | 物料类型 | 固体 |
用途 | 自动包装螺丝五金配件 | 包装类型 | 袋 |
品牌 | Zk | 售后服务 | 设备按国家规定保修一年 |
计量方式 | 数粒 | 产品别名 | 全自动螺丝包装机 |
适用行业 | 五金、机械 | 产量 | 100台 |
Full-Automatic Vibrating Packing Machine
1. 产品用途/Purpose:
It is widely applicable to the mixed packing of the accessorial mounting screws , nuts and small plastic parts for the electrical appliance , the decorative lamps and the decorative hardware. It replaces the shape forming manner of the pre-made bags , greatly increasing the work efficiency , so as to be widely adopted by many screw application enterprises .
The parts with special shapes can also be customized according to clients’ requirements . This machine is controlled by microcomputer , and the packing process can be realized automatically .
2.技术特点/Features :
1、 针对螺丝样品量身定做的振动盘、直线振动排列装置,和精密的技术控制装置,确保每袋准确无误。
2、 下料方式为振动盘下料数数,确保高精度标准。
3、 包装含有图标的包装材料时,机器 的步进控制、色标跟踪配合使用,可获得 的图标图案。
4、 单片机控制系统,故障自停机、自报警、自诊断、使用安全、简便。
5、 自动显示包装数量,可方便的统计出机器的工作量。
6、 本机采用全自动完成计量、计数、制袋、填充、封合、日期打印等操作。该机为组合式,分为震动盘、光栅计数、下料部分和制袋包装部分;
7、 该机标准配置为单盘螺丝包装机;可选择增加多个,以提高包装产品的多样化。
Measuring range: 1-50pcs
袋长/ bag length:40-180mm
袋宽/ bag width:40-100mm
封口形式/sealing type:三边形
包装材料/packing film:复合膜材料、铝箔及热封型材料等
耗气量/Gas consumption:30L/Min 0.85Ma
总功率/Total power:15000瓦
毛/净重(千克)/G. N. W.(KG):220/180kgs
外型尺寸(mm)/Outer dimension:700*750*1650mm
4. 全自动特点/ Automatic features:
无极调速:包装速度在一定范围内可以无级调整,达到与制袋、充填、封合、切断环节 匹配,使包装过程稳定可靠。
温度控制用高精度的PID调节,具有 的热封合稳定性,保证了对不同材料的封合质量。
全套采用 器件,质量稳定,噪音小,故障率低,使用寿命长。
u Speed Limitless: Packing speed shall be limitless arranged in some extend , which can best match the steps of making bag/fulfilling/sealing and cutting .
u The bag length can be set free at some specific range , using the “Bujin” Motor , making bags stable and the speed can be controlled .
u The process of bag-made can reach self-automatic inspecting/location/sealing and cutting when there are the signs of color locating in packing films .
u Equipment itself has the function of self-diagnosing and error-pointing .
u Controlling temperature by high exact PID , which ensure the sealing quality of different packing film material and will be in more stable of hot sealing .
u Conveniently operate and repair , because of its intermittent simple structure .
u Automatically print production lot No. , and adding the easy-tear type convenient .
u Using the superior steel parts , quality to be stable , noise to be bitter , error rate to be low and service life to be long .