

订货量(件) 100-499 ≥500
价格(元/件) 面议
供货总量: 未填写
产 地: 广东省/广州市
发货期: 自买家付款之日起3天内发货
数 量:


鞋什么牌子 , 青岛 鞋,绝缘防砸鞋  基本介绍
  ZUNSSI是国际 鞋品牌,尊狮公司已经满足了40多个国家工作场所穿戴者的足部防护,在多个行业和有潜在危险的环境中,以确保他们的脚在职业环境中的 ,为他们提供合适的 鞋并减少伤害,减少工作时间,提高生产力,让他们每天都能够 地从工作场所回家,与家人团聚。
Our new collection has landed: with the EAGLE collection we take a giant step forward in affordable safety footwear. This unique collection is designed to deliver the highest safety, comfort and design at the most competitive price. Designed to match the high standards, the EAGLE collection delivers the kind of safety and performance at a price that is unmatched in the industry. T vel of comfort is unprecedented in this price range. Besides the light weight

111耐用系列   休闲系列  轻舒系列   经典系列  夏季系列

1耐用系列-性能特点  挑战耐用极限-360度手工上线

主页 / 耐用系列 / KL-635

专业针对金属碎屑,高温、酸碱,工业油污等复杂环境设计。天然橡胶外底采用全新的“梁柱”技术,提供 支撑,确保外底极其耐用和减震。一体防护设计牛皮帮面易打理不藏污,360度手工上线不开胶,天然橡胶耐磨防滑底 耐穿,用Comfort⑧技术的纺织衬里,可控制鞋内的空气环境。使这双鞋抵抗极端环境
Our new collection has landed: with the EAGLE collection we take a giant step forward in affordable safety footwear. This unique collection is designed to deliver the highest safety, comfort and design at the most competitive price. Designed to match the high standards, the EAGLE collection delivers the kind of safety and performance at a price that is unmatched in the industry. T vel of comfort is unprecedented in this price range. Besides the light weight
轻便  鞋,舒适  鞋,透气  鞋,休闲  鞋110931282

经典系列-不断探索 成就经典 巴斯夫聚氨酯防滑鞋底-迈开大步放心走

主页 / 经典系列 / KL-618

低帮经典系列,提供 的舒适性和易于使用的透气系统。动感飘带运动设计,嵌入式银色反光条的设计,夜间工作也 ,,采用Comfort⑧技术的纺织衬里,可控制鞋内的空气环境。双重密度外底使这双鞋能抵抗极端低温和油污。提供绝缘,能量吸收,抗燃油外底,隔热,抗渗透外底和防水鞋面。为了给脚提供尽可能高的保护。非常适合在许多工作环境中使用,如农业、化工、建筑、电力、重工业、轻工业和物流。
Our new collection has landed: with the EAGLE collection we take a giant step forward in affordable safety footwear. This unique collection is designed to deliver the highest safety, comfort and design at the most competitive price. Designed to match the high standards, the EAGLE collection delivers the kind of safety and performance at a price that is unmatched in the industry. T vel of comfort is unprecedented in this price range. Besides the light weight
轻便  鞋,舒适  鞋,透气  鞋,休闲  鞋110931302轻便  鞋,舒适  鞋,透气  鞋,休闲  鞋110931312

休闲系列-工作休闲随意转换  动感休闲 亲肤脚感

主页 / 休闲系列 / KL-669

一体绒皮加网布设计舒适透气,采用Comfort⑧技术的纺织衬里,可控制鞋内的空气环境,保持足部干爽。巴斯夫聚氨酯防滑外底。爬坡,爬梯 抓着。引导双脚的休闲运动,从而减少疲劳, 地保护穿着者的能量。PU-PU外底采用全新的“梁柱”技术,提供 支撑,确保外底极其耐用和减震。这些 鞋具有灵活的灵活性,适应性和 抓地力,远远超过SRC标准
Our new collection has landed: with the EAGLE collection we take a giant step forward in affordable safety footwear. This unique collection is designed to deliver the highest safety, comfort and design at the most competitive price. Designed to match the high standards, the EAGLE collection delivers the kind of safety and performance at a price that is unmatched in the industry. T vel of comfort is unprecedented in this price range. Besides the light weight

夏季系列-还你一个清凉的夏天      开放透气,清爽凉感

主页 / 夏季系列 / KL-613

开放式透气孔设计加360度空气内循环系统保证鞋内空气凉爽, 牛皮帮面,采用华峰防滑聚酯鞋底,用Comfort⑧技术的纺织衬里,可控制鞋内的空气环境。专业针对建筑、电子,汽车、锅炉,机械等高温环境设计。还您一个凉爽的夏季.
Our new collection has landed: with the EAGLE collection we take a giant step forward in affordable safety footwear. This unique collection is designed to deliver the highest safety, comfort and design at the most competitive price. Designed to match the high standards, the EAGLE collection delivers the kind of safety and performance at a price that is unmatched in the industry. T vel of comfort is unprecedented in this price range. Besides the light weight

轻舒系列-轻的超乎想象    休闲透气    轻盈脚感
 / 轻舒系列 / KL-690

低帮轻舒系列运动鞋在安全性、透气性、轻盈性和设计方面树立了新的标准,非常适合外出的专业人士。软垫EVA中底提供高水平的冲击吸收。这与乳胶泡沫鞋垫、透气网布和轻质鞋面相结合,在鞋内营造 的气候,为一天的舒适度。一个非缝合的鞋面最大限度地减少了断裂的可能性,通过照明明智的缝合部分。让您有轻松,舒适的一整天,工作休闲随转换.
Our new collection has landed: with the EAGLE collection we take a giant step forward in affordable safety footwear. This unique collection is designed to deliver the highest safety, comfort and design at the most competitive price. Designed to match the high standards, the EAGLE collection delivers the kind of safety and performance at a price that is unmatched in the industry. T vel of comfort is unprecedented in this price range. Besides the light weight

防砸工作鞋,防静电工作靴,轻便  鞋110931292

 洁净系列-创造无尘空间    白色 鞋,无尘室守护者
白色进口牛皮帮面,一脚蹬无鞋带低帮设计,方便穿脱,白色聚氨酯防滑大底+360度空气内循环系统保证鞋内空气凉爽,用Hanwag Comfort⑧技术的纺织衬里,可控制鞋内的空气环境。专业针对医药、电子,食品、医疗,等洁净环境设计。创造洁净空间
Our new collection has landed: with the EAGLE collection we take a giant step forward in affordable safety footwear. This unique collection is designed to deliver the highest safety, comfort and design at the most competitive price. Designed to match the high standards, the EAGLE collection delivers the kind of safety and performance at a price that is unmatched in the industry. T vel of comfort is unprecedented in this price range. Besides the light weight



联系电话:020-89850156           联系传真:020-89852231
网站:http://www.zunssi.com      http://www.gzzunshi.com

夏季劳保凉鞋 Summer labor protection sandals夏季 鞋,Summer safety shoes,夏季款劳保鞋Summer labor protection shoes 鞋Safety shoes劳保鞋Protective shoes工作鞋Work shoes劳保鞋品牌Brand of labor protection shoes 鞋品牌Safety shoes brand 鞋什么牌子好What brand of safety shoes is good防砸劳保鞋Anti smashing labor protection shoes防砸 鞋,Crash proof safety shoes,劳保鞋批发鞋Wholesale of labor protection shoes劳保鞋图片,Pictures of labor protection shoes, 鞋厂家,Safety shoes manufacturer,劳保鞋厂家,Manufacturer of labor protection shoes,尊狮 鞋Zunshi safety shoes 工作鞋Work shoes 防静电 鞋Antistatic safety shoes 耐高温High temperature resistance防刺穿Anti piercing绝缘insulation防滑Non-slip,http://www.gzzunshi.com,www.zunssi.com


所在地区: 广东省 广州市
经营模式: 生产制造
会员等级: 身份认证

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