
T12-BC2 soldering tip 烙铁头

订货量(支) 100-999 ≥1000
价格(元/支) 面议
供货总量: 9999支
产 地: 广东省/深圳市
发货期: 自买家付款之日起1天内发货
数 量:
















T12-B,T12-B2,T12-B3,T12-B4,T12-BC1,T12-BC2,T12-BC2Z,T12-BC3,T12-BC3Z,T12-BCF1,T12-BCF1Z,T12-BCF2,T12-BCF2Z,T12-BCF3,T12-BCF3Z,T12-BL,T12-BZ,T12-C1,T12- ,T12-C4Z,T12-CF4,T12-CF4Z,T12-D4,T12-D08,T12-D12,T12-D16,T12-D24,T12-D52,T12-DL08,T12-DL12,T12-DL32,T12-DL52,T12-I,T12-IL,T12-ILS,T12-J02,T12-JL02,T12-JS02,T12-K,T12-KF,T12-KL,T12-KR,T12-KU




    点: B型烙铁头无方向性,整个烙铁头前端均可进行焊接。

应用范围: 适合一般焊接,无论大小之焊点,也可使用B型烙铁头。


K型 (刀头)


应用范围: 适用于SOJ, PLCC, SOP, QFP,电源,接地部份元件,修正锡桥,连接器等焊接。



    点:烙铁头 幼细。

应用范围: 适合精细之焊接,或焊接空间狭小之情况,也可以修正焊接芯片时产生之锡桥。








马蹄型包括C1、BC1、BC2、BC3、 等

    点: 用烙铁头前端斜面部份进行焊接,适合需要多锡量之焊接。

应用范围: C型烙铁头应用范围与D型烙铁头相似,例如焊接面积大,粗端子,焊垫大的情况适用。

BC1,C1等烙铁头非常精细,适用于焊接细小元件,或修正表面焊接时产生之锡桥,锡柱等。如果焊接只需少量焊锡的话,使用只在斜面有镀锡的CF 型烙铁头比较适合。

BC2,BC3型烙铁头,适合焊接电阻,二极管之类的元件,齿距较大之SOP 及QFP 也可以使用。



Brief introduction of T12 soldering iron head

T12 soldering iron head is the model and name of the soldering iron head which is standard equipment of fx-951 electrostatic removing welding platform launched by Japan HAKKO company.


T12 tip is a composite tip, which is a combination of heating core, temperature sensor and tip, also called T12 tip.


The characteristic of T12 soldering iron head is that the sensor is fully pre positioned and highly sensitive to temperature change.


Basic properties and characteristics of T12 iron head

1. Suitable for white light fx-950 / fx-951 / fx-952 welding platform;

2. Lead free, environmental friendly, Roh compliant, with SGS report

3. 40000 solder joints can be achieved at 400 (plus or minus 20 );

4. Up and down tin is smooth;

5. The composite welding tip and heating core are designed in one, fast and hot enough, and can handle the welding freely no matter the size of welding spot or lead-free welding.  

 General model of T12 soldering iron head

T12-B,T12-B2,T12-B3,T12-B4,T12-BC1,T12-BC2,T12-BC2Z,T12-BC3,T12-BC3Z,T12-BCF1,T12-BCF1Z,T12-BCF2,T12-BCF2Z,T12-BCF3,T12-BCF3Z,T12-BL,T12-BZ,T12-C1,T12- ,T12-C4Z,T12-CF4,T12-CF4Z,T12-D4,T12-D08,T12-D12,T12-D16,T12-D24,T12-D52,T12-DL08,T12-DL12,T12-DL32,T12-DL52,T12-I,T12-IL,T12-ILS,T12-J02,T12-JL02,T12-JS02,T12-K,T12-KF,T12-KL,T12-KR,T12-KU


Application scope of soldering iron head of various specifications and models


Type B (cone / tip)

Special point: B-type iron head has no directionality, and the front end of the whole iron head can be welded.

Scope of application: suitable for general welding, regardless of the size of the solder joints, can also use B-type iron head.


Type K (cutter head)

Special point: it can be welded by knife shaped part, vertical type or pull welding type. It belongs to multi-purpose soldering iron head.


Application: suitable for welding SOJ, PLCC, SOP, QFP, power supply, grounding parts, modified tin bridge, connector, etc.



Type I (tip)

Special point: the tip of the iron head is fine.

Application scope: it is suitable for fine welding or narrow welding space. It can also modify the tin bridge produced during chip welding.


Type D (flat / slotted)

Flat type includes D08, D12, D16, D24, DL32, D4, D52, etc

Special point: use the nozzle part for welding.

Scope of application: suitable for welding requiring more tin, such as welding environment with large welding area, thick terminal and large welding pad.


Type BC (horseshoe / chamfered cylinder)

Horseshoe type includes C1, BC1, BC2, BC3, , etc

Special point: use the bevel part of the front end of the iron head for welding, which is suitable for welding with more tin.

Application scope: the application scope of type C soldering iron head is similar to that of

type D soldering iron head, for example, the case of large welding area, thick terminal and large welding pad is applicable.

BC1, C1 and other soldering iron heads are very fine, which are suitable for welding small components, or correcting the tin bridge and tin column produced during surface welding. If only a small amount of solder is needed for welding, it is suitable to use CF type iron head with tin plating only on the bevel.


BC2, BC3 soldering iron head, suitable for welding resistor, diode and other components, SOP and QFP with large pitch can also be used.

and C5 are applicable to the grounding of thick terminals and circuit boards. Power supply and other welding occasions requiring large heat.

  T12-B T12-B2 T12-B3 T12-B4 T12-BL T12-BC1 T12-BCF1 T12-BC2 T12-BCF2 T12-B3 T12-BCF3 T12-C1 T12-  T12-CF4 T12-D08 T12-D12 T12-D16 T12-D24 T12-D4 T12-D52 T12-DL08 T12-DL12 T12-DL32 T12-DL52 T12-I T12-IL T12-ILS T12-J02 T12-JL02 T12-JS02 T12-K T12-KF T12-KL T12-KR T12-KU T12-1201 T12-1202 T12-1203 T12-1204 T12-1205 T12-1206 T12-1207 T12-1208 T12-1209 T12-1001 T12-1002 T12-1003 T12-1004 T12-1005 T12-1006 T12-1007 T12-1008 T12-1009 T12-1010 T12-1401 T12-1402 T12-1403 T12-1404 T12-1405 T12-1406 T12-BZ T12-B2Z T12-BC1Z T12-BCF1Z T12-T12-BC2Z T12-BCM2 T12-BC3Z T12-BCF3Z T12-BCM3 T12-C4Z T12-CF4Z T12-D12Z T12-D16Z T12-D24Z T12-D4Z T12-KFZ T12-KRZ T12-WB2 T12WD08 T12-WD12 T12-WD16 T12-WD52 T12-WI      适用于HAKKO942,FX-951,FX-952等无铅焊铁,功率可达70W,发热够快,连同其它的共有84款焊咀,能应付各种焊接工作。 



所在地区: 广东省 深圳市
经营模式: 贸易批发
会员等级: 身份认证


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